Monthly Archives: November 2018

The fulfillment diaries- 21st Nov 2018


In a mad rush to find something useful-some elixir of performance, one gets lucky at times and stumbles upon something promising. Upon previewing it your interest level shoots up. Then you start a frantic search, to get to the depth of the treasure trove. Concepts, examples, steps et al. Once you feel that you have enough to explain the concept authoritatively to someone and deploy it to make a difference, you sit back with a sigh of contentment.

Today the prize catch was “The competing values framework.” Google, YouTube, Slide share… I darted in an out of every possible pit stop for curated content. End result was a neat and brief presentation. I love psychometric tools like MBTI and DISC. Why? Distinctions between profiles are clear and observable, assessments are easy and the content can be presented with loads of humor. CVF had all these qualities.  Moreover it had an uncanny resemblance to the whole brain model, which is a long time favorite. The former is more action oriented and practical though. Now I know how to diagnose organizational culture, and can also help leaders transform it as well. All the needed resources are available and just in 2 days I was able to build up a reasonable level of competence.


Thanks to the Almighty for another fulfilling day!


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The Fulfillment diaries- 14th Nov 2018

Whenever I meet my CEO, I get to see “Executive Presence” in action. He greets you warmly, always connecting with the person before getting into job related transactions. He is never in a hurry. I could see that he was trying to solve messy problems over the phone. But he went about it with an air of composure and soothing confidence. I also got a rare glimpse of him expressing his displeasure about an error that had occurred. But he spoke in such a way that the person at the receiving end got the message without getting judged or criticized harshly. He had the gift of making people feel guilty bereft of the feeling of shame that usually accompanies the former.

Two unplanned shopping salvos before hitting the bed. At the stationery shop I was surprised to see a family who had come to collect a clumsy looking model that they had ordered. My eyebrows went up. Instead of making it themselves, they were paying for it. Education’s labour lost?

Next stop was at the pharmacy. There was this delivery boy from the nearby grocery who was purchasing antibiotics. Despite the pharmacist’s insistence, he was buying just 2 tablets. “I shall come back if I don’t get relief,” he said. When I looked enquiringly at the pharmacist, he said “They don’t want to spend money, so they don’t take the whole course.” I gently stopped him and offered to pay. “It’s the full course or nothing my friend,” I said, taking my wallet out. He shook his head, and briskly walked off, visibly embarrassed. I was robbed of the chance to get a much needed oxytocin high.

Thanks to the Almighty for yet another fulfilling day.

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Is there any link between Talent & Success ? he asked.


Was a great day !. In a meeting convened to ascertain the performance needs of our associates, a Senior Manager who had joined us recently complimented us by saying “Though my previous bank had a budget probably 10 times bigger than what we have, our team is adding at least 3 times more value.” Felt like my head was in the clouds.

While I was about to call it a day, a friend posed this question on FB. “Is there any link between Talent & Success?”. This is how I replied.

To complete every goal or job, certain mental and/or behavioral tasks must be carried out. Due to genetic disposition and exposure some people are good at these tasks. In common parlance we then say that they are talented. They can do these tasks easily compared to others. So if they persist at these tasks they can become successful without much effort.

But new findings in Neuropsychology suggests that with the right strategy and effort most people can acquire these strengths. In other words we can become talented through deliberate practice. But this requires loads of enduring determination otherwise known as GRIT. To conclude, with the right mindset and habits we can all succeed even if we dont appear to have the right talents. Talents can be acquired. And when you marry Talents with Hard work you succeed.

He was happy with the answer. Got rewarded with a flurry of encouraging emojis.

Thanks to the Almighty for another fulfilling day.



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Filed under Till sunset and beyond

The Fulfillment Diaries- Relationships and Respect

A senior Manager came calling for a counseling session. “My Manager bypasses me and speaks to my assistant every time. I feel so powerless and dis empowered,” she complained. The easiest way to get someone to introspect and understand is to ask them questions. “Have you ever bypassed your Manager and approached his boss?’ I enquired. “I do that when I need approvals for huge orders,” she replied. “And how often does this happen?” I probed. “Two or three times a month,” she answered. “Could this be prompting him to behave in this manner? If you meet him first and approach the Manager with him in tow, do you think he will behave differently?” I asked. A long pause greeted me and she quietly nodded. Bingo!

I was asked to unofficially lead (that’s another story) a freshly baked cross functional team. When I started to assert myself, I felt that the one who was earlier in command was resisting subtly. Frequent arguments, lack of forthrightness… it was evident that rapport was lost. I decided to set it right. Went to his office and shared my concern. “I am working on this project because I have been asked to do so. I value your experience and would love to add value to our work with your support. Hope you have nothing against me” The ice melted. He opened up and shared his concerns openly. We parted as friends.

Had to ensure the presence of 4 Executive Managers for a presentation that is scheduled on Thursday. Gathering them all at such short notice was next to impossible. Be nice to the Monarch and be nicer to the door keepers- that’s my adage. Was able to walk into their offices and get their confirmations instantly. I believe that Relationships matter more than Vision and Execution. And Relationships (and solid ones at that) can be built by giving RESPECT.

Thanks to the Almighty for another fulfilling day……

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Filed under Till sunset and beyond

The fulfillment diaries- An English Fall

The Kensington gardens is according to me, the perfect microcosm of English life. Incessant rain, Maple leaf lookalikes floating around, super courteous old couples with their well-behaved dogs and the occasional strains of Scottish bagpipes. Bliss! The colors that welcomed us were breathtaking. The cold breeze accentuated the feel. Interacted with the Queen’s swans. Could reflect over the urgency of time by watching Amaan and Jehan in the same setting- space unchanged, a decade apart.

2 Learning points for myself

At the Westminster Abbey, Poets and Scientists slept alongside England’s greatest Monarchs. Speaks volumes about the values the Brits want to pass on to the coming generations. Charles Darwin who challenged Creationism lay next to Newton close to the Sanctum Santorum. What Darwin’s soul would have felt, I wonder. 🙂 🙂

At the magnificent Victoria-Albert Museum, two of India’s most valiant kings were presented in all pomp and splendor. The Tiger of Mysore and the Lion of Punjab. Though they were thorns in England’s flesh, they were being celebrated. The Nisams and Marathas who were loyal allies were conspicuous by their absence. A key learning point about short term success and long term glory.

As all good things, the holiday came to an abrupt end. So we moved from 14 degrees to 32 degrees. “Don’t be sad,” I told the kids. “Pleasure means nothing without Purpose.” They nodded in agreement.

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